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How to Access ZimSec A Level 2021 Results Online


How to Access ZimSec A Level 2021 Results Online

On Tuesday, the country’s examinations body, the Zimbabwe Schools Examinations Council (ZIMSEC), announced that the October/November 2021 A Level Results are out. The examinations body said candidates who sat for the 2021 A-Level examinations can collect their results from their respective schools and centers starting Wednesday, 6 April 2022.

However, Candidates can also get their results online from the Zimsec Results Portal, which will be available on the Zimsec website without traveling to their physical centers.

Please note, however, that the Zimsec 2021 A-Level results will only be available on the portal for a limited period. In the past, the limited period was 5 days. After this period, the results will no longer be accessible from the Zimsec online portal.

To access your results online you need to visit the ZIMSEC website.

Following the manual that was prepared by Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council [ZIMSEC], below there are options that one can use to access results online.

Option A

Visit the ZIMSEC website and you will be taken to a page that will offer you to choose two options which are 1. View Results, 2. Proceed to the Website.

Click in view results and you will be taken to a page that will show all regions in Zimbabwe

Select the region where your school is located.

Option B

Copy and Paste on the web browser address bar the link for your where your school is located: e.g if your school is in Bulawayo the address to use will be shown below:

After opening the ZIMSEC portal, you will see a page that requires you to put your details[ Username and Password] in order to log in, but before that:

  1. To login, candidates need to create an account to gain access to the system:
  2. Click on Candidate login on the home screen in the top right corner
  3. Click on Register New User
  4. A Candidate Account Registration page will appear, and it requires you to follow the following instructions:
  5. Enter the six digits Centre number
  6. Enter the four-digit Candidate Number
  7. Choose a session from the drop-down list, either June or November
  8. Choose the level from the drop-down list, either O’Level or A’Level
  9. Enter the year you sat for the exam
  10. Enter your candidate Name as it appears on the statement of entry.

If the name typed differs in any way from the one on the statement of entry, the account will not be created.

  1. Enter your date of birth, using the day, month and year format.
  2. Enter a username that you would like to use for logging in to the application
  3. Enter a password, that comprises of a capital letter, digits and non-alphabetic characters. For Example Zimsec 123!  Would be a valid password
  4. Candidate Login
  5. Click on Candidate Login, A login window appears as shown below where you need to specify your username and password.
  6. Enter Username and Password as created at user registration
  7. Click on Login indicated above
  8.  If the Login is successful the Result portal screen will pop up.
  9. On the Results Portal Window, there is Candidate Results in the top left corner of the window
  10. Click on the Candidate Results menu to view candidate results.

When not expelling tech wisdom, Ngoni feeds on good stories that strike on all those emotional chords. He loves road trips, a good laugh, and interesting people.

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