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Econet Zimbabwe to review ZWL Voice, Data & SMS Prices


Econet Zimbabwe to review ZWL Voice, Data & SMS Prices

Econet Zimbabwe has announced that it will be reviewing its ZWL Voice, Data & SMS Prices, effective 24 October 2023. The company has not yet released details of the new tariffs, but customers are advised to visit for more information.

This is the fifth time in 2023 that Econet has reviewed its ZWL tariffs. In June 2023, the company increased its voice and data tariffs by an average of 20%. The company said the increase was necessary to cover the rising costs of operating its network.

It is unclear what has prompted Econet to review its ZWL tariffs again so soon. However, it is likely that the company is facing continued inflationary pressures. Zimbabwe’s inflation rate is currently over 200%, and this is having a significant impact on the cost of doing business in the country.

Econet’s decision to review its ZWL tariffs is likely to be met with mixed reactions from customers. Some customers will be frustrated by the constant price increases. However, others may understand that the company is facing difficult economic conditions.

Techunzipped will keep you updated on the latest developments in this story.

Pardon has been a technology enthusiast his entire life and has spent the better part of last decades in information technology and security, and he writes with an aim to remove some of the "mysticism" from the cyber world. He’s the Editor at Techunzipped. Away from the keyboard, you're likely to find him playing with the latest gadgets or the latest Game.

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