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Zimbabwean Startup Develops Cancer-Detecting App, Wins Cybertech Africa Hackathon


Zimbabwean Startup Develops Cancer-Detecting App, Wins Cybertech Africa Hackathon

A Zimbabwean startup company has developed a computer application that can detect five of the most common types of cancer using artificial intelligence. The app, called Clarity, was developed by Clarity Technologies, a team of four people: software engineers Collins Jimu and Zvikomborero Duri, business executive Terry Mdiwa, and lawyer Dr Koshesayi Madzika.

The app was recently awarded first prize at the Cybertech Africa Security and Blockchain Hackathon competition in Kigali, Rwanda. The competition drew 120 teams from 20 countries, and Clarity was the only African team to win.

In an interview with techunzipped, Jimu said that the team was inspired to develop the app after seeing the challenges that people faced in accessing cancer care in Zimbabwe.

“Cancer screening is expensive and the facilities are few,” he said. “Our solution will solve this challenge through providing a more efficient and quick solution which we aim to have deployed to every clinic and hospital nationwide.”

The app works by using artificial intelligence to analyze images of cells. It can detect five of the most common types of cancer: breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer.

The app is still in the development stage, but the team hopes to have it available for use in clinics and hospitals by the end of the year.

“We are confident that Clarity will make a significant impact in the fight against cancer in Zimbabwe,” said Jimu. “We are grateful for the support of the Cybertech Africa competition and we look forward to continuing to develop this important technology.”

The development of the Clarity app is a significant step forward in the fight against cancer in Zimbabwe. The app has the potential to make cancer screening more affordable and accessible, and it could help to save lives.

The team behind Clarity is to be commended for their innovation and dedication. They are an inspiration to us all, and we wish them all the best in their continued efforts to fight cancer.

In addition to the prize money, Clarity Technologies also received mentorship from industry experts and access to a network of investors. The team is now working to raise funds to complete the development of the app and to bring it to market.

The development of Clarity is a testament to the talent and ingenuity of the Zimbabwean people. It is also a reminder of the challenges that people face in accessing cancer care in Africa. With the right support, however, these challenges can be overcome. The Clarity app is a shining example of what can be achieved when people come together to solve a common problem.

Proud Zimbabwean Citizen, loving everything Tech related.

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