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Musk threatened ‘lawsuit time’ after Microsoft’s advertising platform announced it would stop supporting Twitter


Musk threatened ‘lawsuit time’ after Microsoft’s advertising platform announced it would stop supporting Twitter

Elon Musk is threatening to take legal action against Microsoft over claims that the company “trained illegally using Twitter data.” The billionaire’s statement came in response to a tweet noting that Microsoft’s advertising platform announced it would stop supporting Twitter, reportedly due to Twitter’s changes requiring payment to access its API.

Musk’s threat is vague but appears to be over OpenAI using Twitter data to train the large language model behind products like ChatGPT. OpenAI, obviously, is not Microsoft, but it did recently receive a significant investment from the company, which is building AI into tools like Bing, Edge, and Microsoft 365.

Under Twitter’s new pricing arrangement, large companies like Microsoft could have to pay as much as $42,000 per month to gain access to Twitter’s API. The new pricing system has already led some smaller developers to abandon the platform, such as Tweetbot maker Tapbots.

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