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ICT Minister Commissions NetOne Base Station In Wedza


ICT Minister Commissions NetOne Base Station In Wedza

Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services Minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere has called upon people from Chigondo village in wedza to embrace the enhanced network provision to facilitate and promote trade within their constituency.

The commissioning of Chanakira base station in Wedza is one of the Government key areas in bridging the internet services provision gap between the rural and urban populace.

NetOne has since then closed the gap in terms of market share as the state owned MNO now commands a respectable second position behind perennial leaders Econet to sit at 29.9%. Econet leads with 65.8% and Telecel trailing in third position with 4.3% as shown in the below figure extracted from the 2th Quarter Sector Performance Report released by POTRAZ early this month.

Speaking during the commissioning of Chanakira base station in Wedza yesterday, the Minister encouraged people from Wedza to jealously guard the newly acquired infrastructure highlighting that the improved network coverage within the District is a conduit for ease of doing business through Netone’s products and services.

“The Chanakira Base Station will bring with it many downstream benefits, which we as a province, will capitalise on as we develop. Improved network access and connectivity will enable Chanakira A1 and A2 farmers to connect with markets using online digital tools.” He said.

The Minister went on to say that the Ministry’s mandate  is to use information technology and communication (ICTs) solutions to improve the livelihoods of all Zimbabweans irrespective of location throughout the great nation of Zimbabwe.

The Minister said this enhanced access to connectivity plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the country achieves connected communities, thus the investment in the necessary infrastructure in both rural and urban centres.

The Minister said as a Ministry, their resolve to improve mobile accessibility, is strengthened by the visionary leadership of His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa. She went on to add that the world is being driven by innovation, information and communication technologies, as such ICTs have become key fundamentals in the attainment of Zimbabwe’s vision 2030.

Speaking at the same event, Netone Acting Chief Executive Officer,  Chipo Jaison said the base station will be providing 3G Network among other things and will enable the community to access quality services which enables e-commerce services. She said apart from communication solutions,  the base station is a source of employment for the locals.

It is no secret that improved access to ICT, will not only promote growth and development within the constituencies, but will also have tickle down effects on the overall growth and development of Zimbabwe. The sterling efforts by NetOne as it continues to expand its network footprints and increase service provision in previously marginalised areas such as Chatumbama is highly commendable.

Pardon has been a technology enthusiast his entire life and has spent the better part of last decades in information technology and security, and he writes with an aim to remove some of the "mysticism" from the cyber world. He’s the Editor at Techunzipped. Away from the keyboard, you're likely to find him playing with the latest gadgets or the latest Game.

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