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Learn, Save and Earn with SECZ this Global Money Week


Learn, Save and Earn with SECZ this Global Money Week

Global Money Week 2021 (GMW2021) is underway!

As the world continues to adjust to the effects of Covid-19 pandemic, Global Money Week 2021 is shifting the gears to financial education mode this week.

GMW2021, an annual week-long event is aimed at financially equipping young people from an early age to make smart financial decisions for a brighter future. This year’s theme, “Take care of yourself, take care of your money” seeks to drive a conversation with children and the youth to be financially-responsible beings.

GMW is an initiative that is organized by the OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE). In line with the OECD recommendation on Financial Literacy GMW encourages governments and other stakeholders “to develop financial literacy from the earliest possible age” on topics and through channels appropriate to the learnerGlobal Money Week is commemorated in March each year, and this year it is taking place from 22-28 March 2021. According to the GMW dedicated website, organizations across the world can organize their own GMW events and share news, photos and information.

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SECZ) has lined up a number of online activities to enable Zimbabwean children and youths to acquire the appropriate knowledge, right skills, attitude and behaviours necessary for a promising financial future.

Money plays a vital role in our lives, and it can affect our overall well-being. The way we use or talk about money with our children impacts their relationship with money. It is never too early to begin developing solid financial skills.

As Anas Hamshari, Businessman with Affiliation said, “Financial literacy makes it okay for you to make small or big mistakes. On the other hand, being financially illiterate only makes those mistakes dire and regrettable.”

SECZ has been actively participating in the Global Money Week through its social media platforms under the hashtags “#TakeCareOfYourMoney #LearnSaveEarn.” SECZ’s ultimate goal is to start conversations and spark interest in financial education. Online activities will spotlight financial literacy tips to help young people take care of their money.

The regulator will share relevant financial awareness content targeted at youths, have word search games, host a competition and Q and A session across its social media platforms.

The competition which will feature on SECZ social media platforms, will require youths who are below 24years to share a 30second video or less, highlighting the importance of financial literacy among the youths. Participants will also need to provide tips to their age mates on how they can take care of their money. The competition entrants will stand a chance to win a physical copy of the SECZ Investment 101 Handbook. The Investment 101 Handbook which was launched in December 2020 by SECZ provides background information an investor may need to get going, making informed decisions and asking the right questions.

SECZ has set aside time on the 26th of March for a Financial Literacy Question and Answer Session. This discussion will be hosted by the Head of Investor Education, Farai Mpofu where youths can ask questions about investing in Zimbabwean capital markets. The Q and A session will be hosted on SECZ Facebook platform. It is during the Q and A that winners for the short video competition on Financial Literacy will be announced.

In the words of Mac Duke, the Strategist “Financial education is more valuable than money.”

Follow the SECZ social media to participate in the Global Money Week series. Visit Facebook and Twitter for updates: @seczim

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