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Telecel Zimbabwe Statement Following False News On Closure


Telecel Zimbabwe Statement Following False News On Closure

 Zimbabwe’s third mobile telecommunications company, Telecel Zimbabwe says it is in the business for the long run. This comes as reports have been circulating that the telecoms firm was facing closure.Belocw is a statement from Telecel:

“There has been a recycled and fabricated article from 2015 alleging Telecel Zimbabwe is closing down. Please be informed this is false and must be treated as fake news. We are actually opening more of our shops and franchises following the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions by the authorities. We will keep focused on our customers as we push to deliver our renowned value in these trying times.

Thank you for your continued support over the years”

Telecel Zimbabwe’s management said the company was facing similar challenges to most firms in the country, and it was not going to fold.

Proud Zimbabwean Citizen, loving everything Tech related.

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