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Facebook Post Earns Man 4 Year Jail Term In Malawi

Technology News

Facebook Post Earns Man 4 Year Jail Term In Malawi

A magistrate court in Phalombe has sentence Innocent Zunguzeni, 21, to 48 months imprisonment (4 years) with hard labour to deter other would- be- offenders.

Innocent Zunguzeni on 17 February had  posted “albino for sale” on his Facebook page.

He was found guilty after full trial on Friday.

Zunguzeni whose post went viral and was convicted on cyberstalking under Electronic Transactions and Cyber Security Act of 2016.

Stare Prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Hatwell Kachikonga brought him before court where he pleaded not guilty.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Damson Banda said that the accussed is the threat to society hence deserving a stiffer penalty.

Magistrate Banda went on slapping Zunguzeni to 48 months imprisonment with hard labour to deter other would- be- offenders.

Zunguzeni hails from Mtamanyama village under Traditional Authority Chiwalo in Phalombe district.

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